Ainsworth, William Harrison, | extract from Rookwood |
Anon., | De Clerico et Puella (in Middle English) |
Anon., | De Clerico et Puella (in modern English translation) |
Anon., | quotation from A Description of England, by a Venetian diplomat |
Anon., | Devol’s last Farewel |
Anon., | passage from Fasciculus Morum |
Anon., | The Female Frollick |
Anon., | The Flying Highwayman |
Anon., | news item from The Gentleman’s Magazine: a female mounted robber |
Anon., | news item from The Gentleman’s Magazine: Plunket and Maclaine rob Horace Walpole |
Anon., | The London Evening Post: report on the robbery of Horace Walpole by Plunket and Maclaine |
Anon., | Luke Huttons Lamentation |
Anon., | passages from A manifest detection of Diceplay |
Anon., | To the Memory of Captain James Hind |
Anon., | The Outlaw’s Song of Trailbaston (modern English translation) |
Anon., | The Penitent Highwayman |
Anon., | story from Ratseis Ghost |
Anon., | another story from Ratseis Ghost |
Anon., | passages from The Relation of the taking of Captain James Hind |
Anon., | news item from a Restoration news letter: a robbery by Claude Du Vall |
Anon., | Turpin’s Rant |
Augustine of Hippo, | chapter from De Civitate Dei [About the City of God] |
Brinton, Thomas, | passages from sermons |
Bromyard, John de, | passages from Summa Praedicantium |
Bulwer, Edward, | extract from Paul Clifford |
Butler, Samuel, | Character of a Highwayman |
Butler, Samuel, | To the Happy Memory of the Most Renowned Du-Val |
Cassius Dio, | section from his Roman History |
Clavell, John, | passages from A Recantation of an Ill Led Life |
Defoe, Daniel, | story from A Tour through England and Wales |
de la Pryme, Abraham, | story from his diary |
Drayton, Michael, | passage from Poly-Olbion |
Fennor, William, | quotation from The Counter’s Commonwealth |
Fidge, George, | chapters from The English Gusman |
Fidge, George, | another chapter from The English Gusman |
Fidge, George, | story from Hind’s Ramble |
Fortescue, Sir John, | passage from The Governance of England (in Middle English) |
Fortescue, Sir John, | passage from The Governance of England (in modern English translation) |
Fuller, Thomas, | passage from The Worthies of England, on Robin Hood |
Harrison, William | passages from The Description of England |
Henry of Knighton, | passages from his Leicester Chronicle |
Hind, James, | passages from The Declaration of Captain James Hind |
Hitchcock, Robert, | chapter from A Politick Plat for the honour of the Prince |
Greene, Robert, | passage from The Blacke Bookes Messenger |
Langland, William, | quotation from Piers Plowman |
Le Blanc, Jean Bernard, | extracts from Letters on the English and French Nations |
|  |
Maclaine, James, | letter to Horace Walpole |
Middleton?, Thomas, | song from The Widow, ‘I keep my horse, I keep my whore’ |
More, Sir Thomas, | passages from Utopia (Robinson’s translation) |
Parsons, Robert, | passages from The Jesuit’s Memorial |
Pope, Walter, | story from The Memoires of Monsieur Du Vall |
Pope, Walter, | ‘Du Valls Epitaph’ from The Memoires of Monsieur Du Vall |
Privy Council, 1575 | passage from a letter |
Rid, Samuel, | passage from Martin Markall, Beadle of Bridewell |
Saussure, César de, | passage from a letter |
Smith, Captain Alexander, | passage from A Complete History of the Highwaymen |
Taylor, John, | passage from An Arrant Thief |
Walpole, Horace, | passages from his letters relating to James Maclaine |
Walpole, Horace, | passage from his Short Notes of My Life |
Warner, William, | passage from Albions England |
Williams, John, et al, | The Confession of the Four Highwaymen |
Wilson, Ralph, | passages from A Full and Impartial Account, &c |
Wilson, Thomas, | passages from A Discourse Upon Usury |
Wither, George, | passage from Abuses Stript and Whipt |
Wollstonecraft, Mary, | quotation from An Historical and Moral View of the French Revolution |